You might think the army would still be shy over publicity for the Aerial Common Sensor (ACS, for short).
Some of you will recall that ACS was the acquisition program that got cancelled in January 2006 in a most embarrassing fashion.
Somehow, Lockheed Martin promised the army that they could squeeze a 20,000-pound sensor on an aircraft with only 14,000lbs of extra room, and the army bought it. There were lots of reasons and justifications given for the oversight, but, really, it was just a dumb mistake. The army threw away $200 million and five years of wasted time.
So it was a bit surprising this week to see ACS back in an army news release.
Of course, the need remains to replace the army’s RC-7 and RC-12 with a spy aircraft built after the Apple IIe computer generation. (The navy’s need to replace the EP-3 also lurks in the background, but they have other options than ACS.)
So, for the army, the need remains, but so does the question: how?
The ACS is supposed to be a platform that can see all and hear all. In the intelligence world, that means you need a very sophisticated TV camera and an antenna receiver that can pick up everything from a high-bandwidth fire control radar system to a low-bandwidth cell phone held by the trigger-man of an improvised explosive device.
That is asking a lot for any one sensor to do.
With so many competing demands for cash, a next-generation spy aircraft may not be at the top of the army’s budget priority list.
Look for the army to start cheap with an “off-the-shelf” sensor. One candidate often floated in industry circles is Northrop Grumman’s Airborne Signals Intelligence Payload (ASIP). It is already flying aboard the U-2 spy plane and is selected for two unmanned aircraft – the RQ-4 Global Hawk and MQ-9B Predator.
The TV camera – also known in the military as a charge-coupled device (CCD) -- may be added to this system, or that part of the payload could be outsourced to another unmanned aircraft, such as the army’s RQ-7 Shadow or MQ-12 Warrior.
The JSF Numbers Game
Start thinking about two sets of numbers. They are:
The first series of numbers is good. The second series of numbers is disturbing.
I'll explain.
Number 1 is the original production rate for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter. Look it up here (see the chart on page 6). This means the plan was to buy 5 this year, 16 next year, and then make a huge leap to 47 in 2009.
Number 2 is the new production rate, as described in this year's updated spending forecast (see the chart on page 7). So now the US military is buying 2 F-35s this year, 12 next year and only 16 in 2009.
Consider that huge gap in 2009. The old plan called for producing 47 aircraft. The new plan would buy only 16.
Recall that the original business case for the Joint Strike Fighter rested foremost on affordability. A huge driver of affordability is production rate. The more that can be produced, the greater the economies of scale and so forth. If production rate falls, the average unit cost of each aircraft will likely go up.
Under the new spending plan, the US military won't approach the original number for 2009 until 2012. (Also, to make even this schedule work, please assume the flight test phase on the weight-optimized aircraft goes off without a hitch.)
So what does this mean?
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