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April 27, 2007



Well then I stand corrected. Just goes to show you should never take an acronym at face value.

Thanks for the correction.


I think the ability to hit any spot on the globe within minutes is great in theory. The problem, I think, is the decision cycle. Striking HVTs under the circumstances described is a political and bureaucratic, not military problem. You might have actionable information, but by the time anyone has actually decided to do anything, the target has long since gone.

You can always have a B-1/2 loitering on station and have them flying shifts for several days while suits at the NSC pound desks and pontificate. It would be just as accurate a platform and recallable at the last moment. (Recallable seems to be a big deal, particularly civilians, probably because of movies like Dr. Strangelove and Fail Safe.)

Delivering the payload in a quick and efficient manner isn't a problem--the length of the decision cycle is.

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